Oval Shape Ebene - Sonstige Problemstellungen - VB ... (Chris Rodgers)
The following code example demonstrates the use of the SizeMode property. To run this example, paste the following code into a Windows Form and call the InitializePictureBoxAndButton method from the form's constructor or Load-event handling method. The first property is used to set the image file to be displayed within the inner Picturebox control.
Now If have tried just showing the gif beforehand, but predictably, it is jerky, only animating between two SQL calls.
The control itself is an extension of Next up are the custom control's properties.
Find answers to Zoom in PictureBox using VB.net from the expert community at Experts Exchange. To insert an image, locate the PictureBox control in the toolbox (under Common Controls). Ich weiß es ist unsauber, aber so.
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